REZULT The reliable soil management MZURI REZULT
The REZULT Straw Rake facilitates straw and post-harvest debris management by their even distribution across the field and faster decomposition. It is a great help in seedbed preparation. REZULT is also an ideal tool for managing weeds and cutting slug activity.
The REZULT features a five-row, spring-loaded tine harrow, with the option to fit a set of leading discs in front of them. These discs chop straw and post-harvest trash and mix it with the surface tilth, which allows the tines to spread the mix over the full working width of the machine, preparing the seedbed. Not only do the discs chop and shatter post-harvest debris, but also prove effective in mixing the soil with organic fertilisers and crop protection agents.
REZULT tines are 28 inch (approx. 70 cm) long unbreakable tines. They are stiffer than regular harrow tines and offer high frequency vibration to enhance the effect of shattering and fragmenting crop residue on top of the soil.
Rezult’s Key Features
- Independent spring-loaded front discs
- Hydraulically adjustable rake angle
- Hydraulic folding with automatic locking for safe transport
- Wrap around tines – virtually unbreakable
- Five rows of tines for high stubble clearance
REZULT needs only 2 litres of fuel per hectare which is enough to:
- interrupt water evaporation from the soil after harvest;
- level the field surface;
- stimulate weed seeds and volunteer plants to germinate;
- destroy weeds and volunteers;
- cut the activity of slugs, voles, mice and other pests;
- accelerate post-harvest debris decomposition;
- mix mineral, calcium and organic (solid and liquid) fertilisers with the soil;
- evenly distribute harvest residue on the field, especially straw which is poorly
- chopped and scattered at harvest;
- prepare a perfect field for sowing;
- seed drill intercrops.
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