we care for the Earth
Mzuri Pro-Til Technology
The MZURI Pro-Til strip-till technology provides an optimal environment for crop growth and yield. The MZURI Pro-Til technology involves cultivating only narrow strips of soil where fertilisers and seeds are to be sown. Crop residues remain in uncultivated interrows (Fig. 1). This helps retain water and preserve organic matter to improve soil structure, fertility and productivity. This can only be achieved with specially designed tines and seeding coulters. These coulters only work in the cultivated strips of soil where the plant seeds are placed.
With MZURI Pro-Til technology, strips of tilled soil occupy between 5% and 33% of the field area, while the uncultivated inter-row area is up to 95% of the acreage. The strips of cultivated soil occupy approximately 1/3 of the area. Therefore, MZURI Pro-Til combines the advantages of deep tillage used for preparing soil for growth and activity of the root systems of plants with the advantages of direct sowing, resulting from mulch deposits in interrows (Fig. 2).
In a single pass with the MZURI implements not only can you cultivate strips of land, but also apply mineral fertilisers, and sow crop seeds and micro granules, some plant protection agents or intercrop seeds. Hence, such field preparation and seeding can be called a “single pass technology”. The operation of working elements applied subsequently results in creating soil zones with different agricultural conditions (Fig. 3).

Why Mzuri World Carbon Certificates:
- Science – based farming – the only agriculture carbon certificates that are based on innovative and deeply researched Mzuri Pro-Til Technology dedicated for soil cultivation;
- The only certificates based on patent protected technology (Mzuri Pro-Till Technology) for revolutionary soil cultuvation.
- 3 in 1: the certificates confirm that the undertaken actions allow for both reducing CO2 emissions, accumulating organic CO2 in the soil, and increasing soil biodiversity.
- Protected against greenwashing – control of the cultivation process based on information technology solutions and the actual work of the machine – guarantees the highest quality of carbon certificates and eliminates the risks associated with irregularities in the issuance process
- Green Deal 100% compliant – Combating erosion, water conservation, reducing the use of chemicals and fertilizers, reducing CO2 emissions, production of emission-free food
- Verra official certificates – Mzuri World Carbon project is in process of validation in frames of VM0042 Methodology for Improved Agricultural Land Management

Mzuri Pro-Til technology – simultaneous tillage, fertiliser application and seed sowing – significantly reduces CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Loosening only narrow strips of soil instead of conventional whole-area tillage reduces soil aeration, organic matter burning and direct carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, Mzuri Pro-Til technology allows fuel, fertiliser and seed consumption to be reduced by several times.

Mzuri Pro-Til technology leads to the sequestration of large amounts of organic carbon in the soil. Pre-crop plant residues and intercrop biomass undergo biological transformation with the participation of microflora and mesofauna (earthworms) towards humification. The humus that develops perpetuates the aggregate structure of the soil, and the regulated air and water conditions make it sustainable.

Mzuri Pro-Til tillage optimises water management. The large amount of plant residues – mulch – on the field surface and the limited loosening of the soil lower the soil temperature and reduce water evaporation. Compacted soil in the unprocessed inter-rows retains large amounts of water, becoming a reservoir for plants during periods of rainfall shortage, which is important for field crop production in the face of increasingly frequent periodic water shortages.

The deep tillage of narrow strips of soil with Mzuri Pro-Til technology aerates the soil well, while the wide, unbroken strips of soil in the inter-rows holding water and the large amount of organic matter create favourable conditions for micro-organisms and mesofauna. Therefore, Mzuri Pro-Til technology supports biodiversity and encourages its development both in the soil and in the plant environment. The emerging balance in the agroecosystem promotes soil and plant health, which is crucial for regenerative agriculture

Mzuri Pro-Til technology is a guarantee of a large crop of the highest quality. They are the result of favourable soil conditions, biological balance within the field and efficient use of water resources. Plant productivity is also encouraged by the precise application of fertilisers by Mzuri machines in the loosened zone of the soil and seed sown. Mzuri Pro-Til technology reduces fuel, seed and fertiliser inputs, reducing costs and increasing crop yields.

Monitoring of environmental parameters and emissions of CO2 emissions with Mzuri Pro-Til technology is based on precise measurements of sensors and machinery performance directly in the field, providing reliable data from real-world operation. Mzuri machines are equipped with state-of-the-art sensors and measurement systems. An ongoning analysis of the field habitat conditions allows the machine performance to be automatically optimised in real time and data to be collected on the platform for further analysis.


The Mzuri World Carbon project uses Regrow technology for the quantification of carbon emissions and sequestration. The initiative is supported by the consulting firm EcoAct and undergoes validation and verification by SCS Global Services.